À propos de Desary
Desary (à l’origine Desary Swimwear) a été lancé par Arianne Sévigny. La marque vise à garder nos valeurs fondamentales à cœur tout en fournissant des produits de luxe pour notre communauté.
Desary a commencé alors qu’Arianne était à la recherche de maillots de bain avant un voyage, elle ne pouvait pas trouver quoi que ce soit qui conviendrait à son corps, qui était curvy. Elle a ensuite décidé de lancer la marque Desary et qu’elle aurait toujours comme valeur fondamentale d’être faite pour chaque corps. "Every body is a bikini body"
Nos Valeurs
Luxurious products for conscious minds.
Quality | Environment-friendly | Ethical production
Nos manufactures
Our manufacturers are based in Bali, Indonesia. All of our manufacturers have ethical practices, they offer fair pay to their workers and many holidays during the year. With that, they also give yearly bonuses to workers and have a safe working environment. It was really important for us to have a safe environment for our manufacturers and to not participate in the fast-fashion system at all.
Our manufacturers are female-run and have a majority of female working for them. Our manufacturers also use sustainable practices such as using mostly environmental-friendly materials and using eco-friendly dyes that are non-toxic.